Local Government Efficiency Planning 2025

We look forward to hosting our Government Efficiency Planning Workshop on Wednesday, January 15th at 7pm at Village Hall at 25 Plattekill Ave. The consultant we hired, Laberge Group, will be joining to give a presentation on the process.

The Village of New Paltz Board has resolved to explore the option of dissolution of the Village government, which would result in absorption of governance and services by the Town of New Paltz. The Village has received a New York State Citizen Reorganization Grant (CREG) to fund the development of the Dissolution Plan.

This will be the start of our series of discussions and community engagement.

Please join us in person, watch from home, or rewatch later. We are looking forward to engaging our community to ask thoughtful questions to help us flesh out a promising plan.

For Jan 15, and all Village meetings via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86094807712?pwd=0fLSu8Q8FAERJzzeTz8VVA2GYtv7Fe.1

Meetings may also be viewed on the Village YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwFFe8fJSmBzh10DPOy0btQ

We have created a dedicated web page describing the process, that will include regularly updated info and documents: https://labergegroup.com/newpaltz/

Local Government Efficiency Planning 2025