PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that meetings of the Village of New Paltz Committee on North Chestnut Street Gateway District (B-3) Zoning Revisions shall be held on the following Mondays at 1:00 p.m.: July 13, 2015, July 20, 2015, July 27, 2015, August 3, 2015, August 10, 2015, August 17, 2015, August 24, 2015, August 31, 2015 and on the following Thursdays, at 1:00 p.m: July 16, 2015, July 23, 2015, July 30, 2015, August 6, 2015, August 13, 2015, August 20, 2015 and August 27, 2015  in the large conference room at New Paltz Village Hall, 25 Plattekill Avenue, New Paltz, NY.  During any of the aforesaid meetings, it is possible that a quorum of the Village Planning Board Members may be in attendance.  However, no action will be taken by the Village of New Paltz Planning Board at said committee meetings on any matters pending before said Board.


The Village of New Paltz will make every effort to assure that the aforesaid meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities.  Anyone requiring special assistance and/or reasonable accommodations should contact the Village Clerk.


July 10, 2015


Kathryn Doyle-Bunker

Village Clerk

Notice of North Chestnut Street Gateway District Committee Meetings