3/13/20 COVID-19: Update #10
1 – NPMS PTA COVID19 School Closure Volunteer Recruitment
The NPMS PTA firmly supports the closure of our schools during this time. However, we also recognize the hardship this may cause for families in our community. With that in mind, we are helping to collect names & contact information of those available to assist.
If you believe you will be able to help and are NOT in a high risk category, and are NOT living with or have regular exposure to someone in a high risk category, please consider adding your name. We are hoping to collect a robust list of volunteers and strongly encourage our High School & Middle School students to consider signing up as well.
• Contacts: Aimee Gertler Hemminger & Jenn Heaney Voorhis
• Signup Genius – School Closure Volunteer Recruitment Form
Please fill out this survey so we can compile a list of all your info so customers can continue to support you in socially distant ways! We will be posting the lists as soon as we start getting the info, please share this survey with any and all small businesses in your worlds!
• Contacts: Rachel Labare & KT Tobin
• New Paltz Small Business Support Survey
Please fill out this survey so we can compile a list of all your info so customers can continue to support you in socially distant ways! We will be posting the lists as soon as we start getting the info, please share this survey with any and all restaurants and eateries in your worlds!
• Contacts: Rachel Labare & KT Tobin
• New Paltz Food Service Survey