The Village Board and Town Board of New Paltz are seeking a website redesign that streamlines the user experience of each website and creates cost savings for both municipalities.
There is a hard project completion date of Monday, January 7th, 2019 due to the expiration of the Town of New Paltz’s current contract with their web developer that, if renewed, would trigger an annual payment.
Key features sought: one landing page for both the Village and the Town, one hosting service that both municipalities pay into.
Each bidder shall submit their sealed proposal to the Clerk’s Office at Village Hall at 25 Plattekill Avenue before 1:00 PM, Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Proposals must include responses to each of the following listed below. Copies of this form are also available upon request from the Clerk’s office.
1. Name and contact information of bidder
2. A proposed design and development timeline outlining in detail the milestones that will be met
3. Training and continued support that bidder can provide
4. Proposed fee for services
5. Evidence of bidder’s capability to complete the project
6. A statement indicating how your Proposal represents the highest value to the Village and Town in terms of direct or indirect financial, economic, or community benefits