Be Part of The Future Vision of North Chestnut Street (Rt. 32N)!
The Village of New Paltz will be hosting a Public Workshop to discuss the future vision for the Neighborhood Business Residential (NBR) zoning district, which extends along North Chestnut Street (Rt. 32N) from Broadhead Avenue north to BOCES. This public workshop will be held at the New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Drive (behind former Town Hall), on Thursday, April 27th at 7:00 p.m. This workshop is intended to collect public input on the desired community character for this area of the village.
The discussion and findings from this meeting will be used to develop preliminary recommendations for the Village to consider regarding potential changes to zoning, streetscape, landscaping and regulations governing development. The workshop is anticipated to include photographic samples of different development types and a range of building design options as part of a visual preference survey.
This planning effort is being guided by the Village’s NBR Review Advisory Committee, with the assistance of planning consultant Michael Allen of Behan Planning and Design, who will provide an introductory presentation and help to facilitate discussion. Local residents and
business owners are encouraged to attend and provide input!